Since the wedding his plans and actions become more comedic, but at the same time Rita and Zedd make an effective team and seeing them together is just as, if not moreso, interesting to watch as it was when they were acting separately.

The character was said to be too scary for children, leading to him being drastically toned down and married to Rita Repulsa. A powerful mass of exposed muscle covered only by tubes, a skeletal frame and a nightmarish mask, even before he starts attacking the rangers Zedd makes his presence felt. A completely original US creation, even from looks alone Zedd poses a greater threat than Rita ever did. Without a doubt the most important aspect of season two is Lord Zedd, and his impact on Power Rangers as a whole. The White Ranger powers see Tommy far better integrated into the show as a character, ranger and leader - even if he does come across a little overpowered in his repeated fights against Zedd's forces, able to take numerous monsters down on his own. A unmorphed Tommy fares better against Goldar than the Green Ranger.

Despite the fan consensus that the Green Ranger is some sort of badass, I never really feel that shows outside of the times he's being evil. Initially he's simply a bit player, and then he begins to lose his powers and is capable of very little, to the point of ridiculousness in season two. Tommy's return as the White Ranger is also something I found superior to the first series. Gone are the constant awkward sentences, replaced by a character who is both a competent fighter and able to give off the impression that he's the smart one without having to resort to a ridiculous stereotype. Billy, who I considered the weakest of the original Power Rangers, has also significantly improved in this season. While they may not be as instantly charismatic as their predecessors, Rocky, Adam and Aisha are fantastic characters and given plenty of opportunity to grow into their roles. It does become laughable at points, but I still give them credit for trying and trying to make the most of a bad situation. Of course by the time their introduction swings around Austin St John (Jason), Walter Jones (Zack) and Thuy Thrang (Trini) had already left the show, resulting in much stock footage, suit actors and "obviously not Jason" voice overs to continue the illusion that they're still around. Rocky, Adam and Aisha all get a fair introduction before they become Power Rangers so the audience can get used to their characters and the changeover doesn't come a big shock. Step in new students Rocky, Adam and Aisha to become the new red, black and yellow rangers!Īnd even though the rangers constantly face the threat of Zedd, Rita Repulsa isn't too far away and has her own plans for both Zedd and the rangers.ĭespite being marred with obvious problems, the cast changeover is handled better than other shows I've watched that did similar things. Shortly afterward Jason, Zack and Trini are selected to represent Angel Grove at a teen peace conference in Switzerland, leaving the fate of the power team up in arms. After a brief absence, he returns with new White Ranger powers and becomes team leader of the rangers. The rangers struggle against Zedd's far more powerful monsters and putty patrollers, and eventually the Dinozords fall against Zedd's first creation Pirantishead.Ĭalling upon the power of Thunder, the rangers pilot new zords to defeat Zedd's monsters, however the Green Ranger powers are fully extinguished and Tommy is forced to leave the team. As Zedd packs Rita back into her dumpster and sends her hurdling through space, he vows to finish what Rita could never do and destroy the Power Rangers. Our story continues with Rita Repulsa being overthrown by her own master - Lord Zedd, the self-proclaimed "Emperor of Evil".

The 52-episode second season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers continued the use of the five main Zyuranger suits, but would see the mecha, monsters and sixth ranger of Dairanger join the fray. So what they did was use both - creating a whole new Power Rangers experience that combined the two shows and continued the franchise in a neat fashion. By 1994 Power Rangers had hit the height of popularity, however the Zyurangerfootage was running out and Saban was left with the choice of whether to continue on with the original costumes or move forward with the aesthetic for the next Super Sentai show, Gosei Sentai Dairanger.